
By means of the coordination of the various scientific activities, the evaluation of new therapeutic approaches and the promotion of new scientific projects the Committee has also the purpose to promote the diffusion and the availability of the thermal therapies.

The Committee is also born to be an official presidium for the study and the realization of projects, programs, proposals, researches, initiatives and conferences concerned about thermalism, with the aim to constitute itself as an authoritative and privileged interlocutor, by national authorities of every Nation of E.S.C.O.T. – EUROPE (Parliament, Government, and so on...), and also by the European Institutions.

The Committee will behave to create the occasion and the circumstances to allow to every State member to take part to the initiatives of the Committee and to bring together all the experiences regarding the scientific thermal field, as well as to contribute to deepen the knowledge in this sector and to strengthen relationships among the different E.S.C.O.T.'s countries as tool for development.